How we try to help everyone as best as possible
Over the last 25 year we try to give our very best to help everyone in Gikonko and to support the People here by handling their daily challenges. In Addition to our daily medical work in the Health Center Gikonko, we try to help everyone with no matter what kind of problem a person if facing.
Medical Successes
Every day we are faced with various kinds of deseases. Through our work and thanks to the support of many, many poeple, who are thinking at us, we are able to offer he people here from year to year a better service.
Thanks to our modern surges room and an improving equipment, we are now well able to treat also complicated deseases and fractures.
In 2019 we treated around 8654 acute respiratory infections, the most frequent desease in this year. Other frequently kinds of deseases we treat are: ...……….
In Addition to many daily kinds of deseases, we could specialize our treatements of hydrocephaly and spina bifida over the last couple of years. Now, every year many mothers of Rwanda and the surrounding area bring their sick Children to our Healt Center to get help from our doctor Uta Düll.
Each operation is like a small miracle, as the patients are given new chances in life by the placement of a shunt to drain the brainwater into the abdominal cavity.
However, the many hydrocephalus surgeries of our hospital would not be possible without the friendly support of..... who donate a large number of shunts to us every year.
The care of Malaria patients is part of our daily medical business. Although many mosquito nets are distributed every year combined wit indoor spraying, what leads to a consideral reduction of malaria cases in the last 7 months. Many malaria patients search for our help, especially during the rainy season each autumn.
The care of numerous childbirths has great significance of our daily work. Every month around 70 children are born in our hospital. Every fifth children is born per C-section.
Thanks to the help of our "Windelmütter/väter" we are able to present pampers and clothes to each newborn child.
Prenatal care is absolute necessary to detect possible complications at time and to prevent.
As we take care of every child within our catchment area, the controll of the nutrition and vaccination of every child is part of the work of the nutrition center, which is part of our hospital.
In the nutrition center we show mothers how to nourish their kids, how to take care of their developpment and which vaccinations are necessary.
Medical check-ups and blood donations are also part of the work in our Nutrition center.
No one is left alone
Beside our daily work in the hospital, we support the people of Gikonko by dealing with challenges and Problems part of their daily life.
Thus, we support Kids, who do not have the necessary supplies for school, Kids who do not have proper clothes and poor families, who do not have house to live in.
With the help of many donations, we could help many families to build a new appropiate house.