About Us

The Health Center Gikonko is an Catholic Health Center of the diocese Butare. It was founded in 1974 by the institution Saint Boniface. Since 1974 members of the Institution have led the Health Center.

Together with the staff of the Health Center members of the Institution Saint Boniface are always looking for possibilities and ways to meet the needs of the population, as there are to mention: health, assistance and an humain, spiritual, intellectual and economic development.

The Health Center at the hills of Gikonko, a sector of the district Gisagara in the southern province, is one of 13 Health Centers of this district and one of Five Health Centers under the responsibility of the Hospital in Gakoma.

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As it is around 13 km to the hospital of the district Gakoma and around 34 km to the university Hospital in Butare, the Health Center Gikonko is responsible for around 28.000 people within an area of 40,29km². For 85% of these people the HC Gikonko is well accessible whereas 15% need to travel more than one hour. Moreover around 30% of HC Gikonkos clients are coming from other parts of Rwanda or even from other countries.